Neurofeedback for ADHD

ADHD can show many kinds of symptoms in both children and adults, including:

Inattention: Easily distracted. Doesn’t finish tasks. Procrastinates. Trouble focusing. Loses things. Trouble organizing. Doesn’t give attention to detail. Makes careless mistakes. Doesn’t seem to listen. Fails to finish work. Resists tasks that require sustained mental effort. Forgetful.

Hyperactivity: Fidgety. Runs around when not appropriate. Doesn’t enjoy sitting quietly. Talks excessively. After puberty: Feeling restless.

Impulsivity: Trouble waiting. Interrupts. Blurts responses.

These are the most common issues with ADHD-Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder. If you, or someone you love, has some of the traits in just one of these categories, read on.

ADHD is the most common psychiatric disorder in childhood. It seems to change form in adulthood. It is a disruptive disorder to have at any age and we see it impacting school, work, relationships and family, and it can cause significant disorganization. Those with ADHD are more likely to suffer all the tragedies of life if not treated: drug addiction, crime, divorce, suicide, chronic under-employment, etc.

ADHD tends to run in families. Babies only have slow brain waves. As we mature, our brain waves develop some faster patterns, too. But the ADHD brain is immature. There are too many slow brain waves , especially in the front of the brain. While the brain may be under-aroused, ADHD can look and feel like way too much activity. Just because you can hyper-focus on an interest such as gaming, doesn’t mean you have good regulation over your powers of attention .

What you Want

Clients who are seeking treatment for ADHD are looking for a reduction in their symptoms. They want to be more focused and more calm. They want to be more organized, less overwhelmed, and better at listening. They want to feel more in control of their lives. They want to be successful in their endeavors with sufficient perseverance and attention to detail. I often here clients who suffer from ADHD say that they just “want to be normal.”

Drug Therapy for ADHD

Many clients seeking biofeedback to deal with ADHD have either been prescribed medication that they didn’t take, or they were prescribed medication that produced unwanted side effects. Drug therapy for ADHD is a widely known option, but it’s not the only option, and the effectiveness of other treatments is well documented. Do your research to determine what therapy is best for you (or your loved one).

How Biofeedback Can Help with ADD/ADHD

EEG biofeedback training changes the underlying causes of ADHD at the site of the disorder within the brain. Neurofeedback trains the brain to become focused, calm and self-controlled. There are gifts from ADHD such as creativity, intense focus, and spontaneous originality. These gifts are not removed with EEG biofeedback. Instead we see increases in productivity.

EEG biofeedback improves brain function by encouraging maturity where there are too many slow brain waves. In addition to better attention the side benefits include:

  • Reduced or eliminated medications
  • Boost in verbal IQ
  • More nimble, talented and competent
  • Improved cooperation
  • Reduced mood volatility
  • Better relationships with better friends
  • Reduced tendency toward addictions and criminality

Please Contact Me

If this is an issue for you or someone you know, please contact me to learn if neurofeedback may be an appropriate treatment. We’ll talk briefly on the phone or chat via email and then set up a time to meet. Neurofeedback does not require pills or excessive amounts of talk, and it’s a great option for those who want something more.


Simple explanations in parent magazine by prominent clinician/researcher.
What Is Neurofeedback? A Game-Changing ADHD Treatment

Ineffectiveness of short-term drug therapy for ADHD
Short-term Intensive Treatment Not Likely to Improve Long-term Outcomes for Children with ADHD

Ten studies agree that neurofeedback has durable results.
Sustained effects of neurofeedback in ADHD: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry . 5 February 2018.

Neurofeedback gets top ranking for treating ADHD
How the American Academy of Pediatricts reached the conclusion that EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback) is a level 1 evidence-based practice for Attention and Hyperactivity, and other recent evidence for the efficacy of Neurofeedback for ADHD

White paper on evidence of neurofeedback for ADHD.
The evidence-base for Neurofeedback as a reimbursable health care service to treat Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. ISNR, 2013

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